dojo.require("dijit.layout.BorderContainer"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Slider"); dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox"); dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox"); dojo.require("dijit.form.NumberTextBox"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Button"); dojo.require("dijit.MenuBar"); dojo.require("dijit.PopupMenuBarItem"); dojo.require("dijit.Menu"); dojo.require("dijit.MenuItem"); dojo.require("dijit.PopupMenuItem"); dojo.require("dijit.form.Form"); // TODO 3 : this is for testing purposes - delete in production function isPCDev() { return location.hostname==="" || location.hostname===""; } function isPCDevFixedInit() { return isPCDev() && browser()==="Firefox"; } function hostname() { return isPCDev() ? "" : location.hostname; } function browser() { return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0 ? "MSIE" : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")>=0 ? "Firefox" : "rest"); } function getInternetExplorerVersion() // Returns the version of Internet Explorer or a -1 // (indicating the use of another browser). { var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return rv; } function onParametersChange() { onParametersChange2(); } function backString(fullString, subString) { if(fullString.lastIndexOf(subString)===-1) { return null; } else { return fullString.substring(fullString.lastIndexOf(subString)+1, fullString.length); } } function getCameraParam(name) { if (isPCDevFixedInit()) { return "3"; } else { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = /*"http://" + hostname() +*/ "/get?" + name + "&id=" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&ver=http/1.1"; try {'GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); var value = backString(xmlhttp.responseText,'='); return value===null ? null : decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { return null; } } } function setCameraParam(name, value) { if (!isPCDevFixedInit()) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // var url = /*"http://" + hostname() +*/ "/set?" + name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&id=" + (new Date()).getTime(); var url = /*"http://" + hostname() +*/ "/set?" + name + "=" + value + "&id=" + (new Date()).getTime(); try {'GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); var value = backString(xmlhttp.responseText,'='); return value===null ? null : decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { // do nothing } av.savedParams(name==="params"); } } // avoid; use getCameraParam() whenever possible function getCameraRegister(page, reg) { if (isPCDevFixedInit()) { return "3"; } else { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = /*"http://" + hostname() +*/ "/getreg?page=" + page + "®=" + reg + "&id=" + (new Date()).getTime() + "&ver=http/1.1"; try {'GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); var value = backString(xmlhttp.responseText,'='); return value===null ? 0 : Number(value); } catch (e) { return null; } } } //avoid; use setCameraParam() whenever possible function setCameraRegister(page, reg, value) { if (!isPCDevFixedInit()) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = /*"http://" + hostname() +*/ "/setreg?page=" + page + "®=" + reg + "&val=" + value + "&id=" + (new Date()).getTime(); try {'GET', url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); } catch (e) { // do nothing } av.savedParams(false); } } function slowdown() { var time = (new Date).getTime(); while (time === (new Date).getTime()) { ; } } var av = { // 264Quality : { param: "qp", arg: "quality" }, not set correctly as of 02/28 because of bug documentTitle : function() { return "Arecont Vision Camera"; }, saved : true, savedParams : function(b) { if (b !== this.saved) { // document.title = (b ? this.documentTitle() : " " + this.documentTitle()); this.saved = b; } }, registerControlDependency : function(control, dependsOn) { if (dependsOn !== null) { dependsOn.listeners.push(control); if (!dependsOn.checked || dependsOn.disabled) { control.set('disabled', true); } if (control.hasOwnProperty('associatedControl') && control.associatedControl !== null) { av.registerControlDependency(control.associatedControl, dependsOn); } } }, pwdStrAdmin : "setPwd admin", pwdStrViewer: "setPwd viewer", setPassword : function(strOnClick, aval) { var name, p0, p1; function setPwd(name, v0, v1) { if(typeof v0 !== 'string' || typeof v1 !== 'string') { alert('Fill in the password and confirm!'); } else if (v0 !== v1) { alert('The password and its confirmation must be identical! Try again.'); } //else if (v0 !== encodeURIComponent(v0)) { // alert('The password contains dangerous symbols! Try again.'); //} else if (v0 === 'empty') { alert('Press Erase to erase the password.'); } else { var i; for (i=0; i' || v0.charAt(i) == ' ') { document.title = 'pword:' + v0 + ' ' + 'i=' + v0.charAt(i) + ' ' + v0.length + ' ' + i; break; } } if (i < v0.length) alert('The password may contain illegal symbols, such as # % & ` \" \' < >, etc! Try again.'); else { p1 = setCameraParam(name, v0); if (v0.toLowerCase() != p1) { alert('The password setup failed! Your current password is:' + p1); } else if (name === "admin") setTimeout("location.reload(true);",1000); else alert('The viewer password is set successfully!'); } } } if (strOnClick === this.pwdStrAdmin) { name = "admin"; } else if (strOnClick === this.pwdStrViewer) { name = "viewer"; } else { return; // should not be possible } if (aval === null) { setCameraParam(name, "empty"); // TODO 1: empty visible values ... if (strOnClick === this.pwdStrAdmin) { dijit.byId("textbox"+"admin password").setValue(""); dijit.byId("textbox"+"confirmation1").setValue(""); } else { dijit.byId("textbox"+"viewer password").setValue(""); dijit.byId("textbox"+"confirmation2").setValue(""); } } else { setPwd(name, aval[0].getValue(), aval[1].getValue()); } } }; var avutil = { //_date : new Date(), getTime : function () { return (new Date()).getTime(); }, createNamed : function (element, name) { var el = document.createElement(element); = name; return el; }, createAppend : function (container, element, name) { if (typeof container === 'string') { container = document.getElementById(container); } if (typeof element === 'string') { element = document.createElement(element); } if (typeof name === 'string') { = name; } container.appendChild(element); return element; }, insertText : function (container, text) { if (typeof container === 'string') { container = document.getElementById(container); } var newtext=document.createTextNode(text); container.appendChild(newtext); return newtext; }, remove : function (id) { var element = document.getElementById(id); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }, ipValidator : function (ipaddr) { var re = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/, i; if (re.test(ipaddr)) { var parts = ipaddr.split("."); for (i=0; i 255) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } }, // set value between margins limit : function(value, margin1, margin2) { var low = Math.min(margin1, margin2), high = Math.max(margin1, margin2); return Math.max(Math.min(value, high), low); } }; function divisible(value, divisor, direction) { if (typeof direction === 'undefined' || direction === 0) { return Math.round(value/divisor)*divisor; } else if (direction == 1) { return Math.ceil(value/divisor)*divisor; } else if (direction == -1) { return Math.floor(value/divisor)*divisor; } } //get dimensions of the sensor function getSensorDims() { var dims = {}; dims.left = Number(getCameraParam("sensorleft")); = Number(getCameraParam("sensortop")); dims.width = Number(getCameraParam("sensorwidth")); dims.height = Number(getCameraParam("sensorheight")); if (typeof dims.left === 'number' && typeof === 'number' && typeof dims.width === 'number' && typeof dims.height === 'number') { return dims; } } function getMaxSensorDims() { var dims = {}; dims.left = 0; = 0; dims.width = Number(getCameraParam("maxsensorwidth")); dims.height = Number(getCameraParam("maxsensorheight")); if (typeof dims.width === 'number' && typeof dims.height === 'number') { return dims; } else { return getSensorDims(); } } function checkDims(img) { // var dimsSensor = getSensorDims(), // limitMsg = "", proceed = true; /* if (dimsSensor && (img.leftdimsSensor.left+dimsSensor.width || img.bottom> { //limitMsg = (dimsSensor.left==0 && ? "" : " The sensor is probably cropped to less than its size."); proceed = confirm("You are trying to set image size outside of the sensor logical boundaries, which are (" + dimsSensor.left + ", " + + ", " + dimsSensor.width + ", " + dimsSensor.height + ")" + " in the order (left, top, width, height)." + limitMsg + "\n\n Would you like to proceed?"); } */ return (proceed == true); } function checkImgSize() { var imgLTRB = {}; imgLTRB.left = image.left.getValue(); =; imgLTRB.right = image.right.getValue(); imgLTRB.bottom = image.bottom.getValue(); return checkDims(imgLTRB); } // disable element with the label and dependent elements function disableVisual(control, val) { var i; control.associatedControl && control.associatedControl.set('disabled', val); control.set('disabled', val); if (control.listeners && control.listeners.length) { for (i=0; i"), i; if (!(decor && decor.noLegend)) { if (initval === null) { // this camera does not support this parameter initval = ''; disablement = true; } // create DOM element with the title var div = document.createElement('span'); div.innerHTML = leadBr + '
' + visname + '

'; leading.appendChild(div); } for (i=0; i' + visname +':  '; div.innerHTML += (decor && decor.rtspLinkData) ? "
" : ""; div.appendChild(avutil.createNamed('input', "textbox" + visname + nameExtension)); // create the dijit object if (typeof minval === 'number' && typeof maxval === 'number') { textbox = new dijit.form.NumberTextBox({ name: "textbox", value: parseInt(initval,10), constraints: { min: minval, max: maxval, pattern: "#####" }, style: "width:55px", param : param }, "textbox" + visname + nameExtension); } else { textbox = new dijit.form.TextBox({ name: "textbox", value: initval, style: (decor && decor.rtspLinkData) ? "width: 270px; font-style: italic; font-size: 75%;" : "width: 130px;", maxLength: (decor && decor.maxLength) ? decor.maxLength : 255, type : (decor && decor.password) ? "password" : "input", param : param }, "textbox" + visname + nameExtension); } disablement && disableVisual(textbox, true); function validate(that) { if ( (that instanceof dijit.form.NumberTextBox) && !isNaN(that.value) ) { if (that.valuethat.constraints.max) that.setValue(that.constraints.max); } var numTest = !(that instanceof dijit.form.NumberTextBox) || (!isNaN(that.value) && that.constraints.min<=that.value && that.value<=that.constraints.max); return numTest && (validator==null || validator(that.value)); } function setToCamera() { // TODO 1: delete leading & trailing white spaces from the value if (validate(this)) { if (typeof param === 'function') { param('set', this.value); } else { setCameraParam(param, this.value); } onParametersChange(); } else { alert(visname + " has invalid value!"); } } if (instantUpdate) { textbox.onBlur = setToCamera; //textbox.onKeyPress = function () { (evt.keyCode === 13) && setToCamera(); }; } else { textbox.onSet = setToCamera; textbox.getValue = function() { return validate(this) ? this.value : null; }; } av.registerControlDependency(textbox, dependsOn); return textbox; } //important: if the parameter, received from camera, is outside range, it is set to the range by this control function createSlider(visname, minval, maxval, param, mincamera, maxcamera, dependsOn, instantUpdate, decor) { var initval = (typeof param === 'function') ? param('get') : getCameraParam(param), disablement = false, leading = document.getElementById('leading_region'); var tickRatio = (maxval - minval + 1) / (maxcamera - mincamera + 1); var midVal = (maxval + minval)/2; var midCamera = (maxcamera + mincamera)/2-0.01; var noMap = (minval===mincamera && maxval===maxcamera); function val2camera(val){ if (noMap) { return val; } else if (val === minval) { return mincamera; } else if (val === maxval) { return maxcamera; } else { var step = (val-midVal)/tickRatio; var r = Math.round(Math.round(step)+midCamera); return avutil.limit(r, maxcamera, mincamera); } } function camera2val(camera){ if (mincamera <= maxcamera) { if (camera <= mincamera) { return minval; } else if (camera >= maxcamera) { return maxval; } } else { if (camera >= mincamera) { return minval; } else if (camera <= maxcamera) { return maxval; } } if (noMap) { return camera; } else { var step = minval + (camera - mincamera)*(maxval - minval)/(maxcamera - mincamera) - 0.01; var r = Math.round(step); return avutil.limit(r, maxval, minval); } } if (initval === null) { // this camera does not support this parameter initval = String(minval<0 ? 0 : minval); disablement = true; } // create DOM element var div = document.createElement('div'); //div.innerHTML += '
' + visname +':  '; div.innerHTML += '
' + visname +':  '; //div.innerHTML += ''; div.appendChild(avutil.createNamed('input', "textbox" + visname)); div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); var sldiv = avutil.createNamed('div', 'slider' + visname); sldiv.appendChild(avutil.createNamed('span', "hrule" + visname)); sldiv.appendChild(avutil.createNamed('span', "hruleLabels" + visname)); div.appendChild(sldiv); leading.appendChild(div); // create the dijit object var slider = new dijit.form.HorizontalSlider({ name: "slider", value: Number(camera2val(initval)), minimum: minval, maximum: maxval, discreteValues: Math.min(Math.abs(maxcamera-mincamera)+1, maxval-minval+1), intermediateChanges: true, style: (decor && decor.sliderWidth ? "width:" + decor.sliderWidth + ";" : "width:270px;"), _mouseWheeled: function(evt) {}, onChange: function(value) { this.primaryControl.set('value', camera2val(val2camera(Math.round(this.value)))); if (instantUpdate) { this.primaryControl.onChange2(); } } }, "slider" + visname); var hrule = new dijit.form.HorizontalRule({ count: Math.min(11, Math.abs(maxcamera - mincamera) + 1), style: "height: 5px;" }, "hrule" + visname); var newArray, rightEnd; rightEnd = (decor && decor.rend && typeof decor.rend === 'string') ? String(maxval-1) + "    " + decor.rend : maxval; if (maxcamera-mincamera === 3) { newArray = [minval, Math.round((maxval+minval)/3), Math.round((maxval+minval)*2/3), maxval]; } else { newArray = [minval, Math.round((minval+maxval)/2-0.01), rightEnd]; } var hrulelabels = new dijit.form.HorizontalRuleLabels({ style: "height: 1em; font-size: 75%;", labels: newArray }, "hruleLabels" + visname); var textbox = new dijit.form.NumberTextBox({ name: "textbox", value: Number(camera2val(initval)), constraints: { min: minval, max: maxval }, style: "width:35px;", param : param, onChange: function() { // currently it is in use only for fps if (decor && decor.rend && typeof decor.rend === 'string' && (this.value===maxval || this.value===decor.rend)) { this.set('disabled', true); this.set('displayedValue', decor.rend); } else if (decor && decor.rend && typeof decor.rend === 'string' && minval<=this.value &&this.value"), button; if (typeof decor === 'object' && decor.pre==='br') { avutil.createAppend(leading, decor.pre); } // create the DOM elements avutil.insertText(leading, " "); avutil.createAppend(leading, 'button', "button" + visname); avutil.insertText(leading, " "); if (typeof strOnClick === 'function') { button = new dijit.form.Button({ label: visname, id: visname + '-' + strOnClick.toString().length, onClick: strOnClick }, "button" + visname); } else if (strOnClick.substring(0, 7) === "setPwd "){ // setting password button = new dijit.form.Button({ label: visname, id: visname + '-' + strOnClick.substring(7), onClick: function() { av.setPassword(strOnClick, aval); } }, "button" + visname); } else { button = new dijit.form.Button({ label: visname, id: visname + '-' + strOnClick +'-'+ aval.length +'-'+ aval.join().length, onClick: function() { var i, save, onclickset = strOnClick; if (strOnClick === 'onSetVideo' && checkImgSize()) { applyVideo(); onclickset = 'onSet'; // continue as usual } else if(strOnClick === 'onSetVideo') { document.title = 'onSetVideo empty'; return; } else if(strOnClick === 'onSetSave') { onclickset = 'onSet'; save = 'true'; } for (i=0; i"), postBr = (decor && decor.noPostBr ? "" : "
"), centerPlain = (decor && decor.left ? "" : "
"); id && ( = id); if (isTitle === true) { div.innerHTML += (leadBr +'
' + text + '

'); } else if (decor && decor.rtspLinkData===true) { div.innerHTML += (leadBr + '' + text + '' + postBr); } else if (decor && decor.fontSmaller===true) { div.innerHTML += (leadBr + '' + text + '' + postBr); } else { div.innerHTML += (leadBr + centerPlain + text + postBr); } leading.appendChild(div); return div; } function accessFull() { var reply = getCameraParam("viewer"); return reply !== "Access denied!"; } function upgrade(F) { function fwloader() { document.getElementById('PostForm').submit(); alert("The firmware was upgraded. Please wait about 2 minutes while the camera is rebooting and refresh this web page."); } if(!accessFull()) { alert("Access denied!"); return; } if (F.UpgradeFile.value == '') { alert('Please select a file to upgrade !'); return false; } clearInterval(image.irisTimeout); imageRemove(); setTimeout(fwloader, 2000); } function createUpgradeForm() { var leading = document.getElementById('leading_region'), formString = "

" + "
" + "   Firmware Upgrade:

" + "

" + " " + "
", div = avutil.createAppend(leading, 'div'); div.innerHTML += formString; } function upload(F) { function uploader() { document.getElementById('SpeakerForm').submit(); alert("The file was uploaded. Please wait about 2 minutes while the camera is rebooting and refresh this web page."); } if (F.SpeakerFile.value == '') { alert('Please select a file to upload !'); return false; } //imageRemove(); setTimeout(uploader, 2000); } function createSpeakerForm() { var leading = document.getElementById('leading_region'), formString = "

" + "
" + "   Speaker File Upload:

" + "

" + " " + "
", div = avutil.createAppend(leading, 'div'); div.innerHTML += formString; } //